How Much Does a Ghostwriter Cost? A Detailed Guide - NYC GhostWriting

How Much Does a Ghostwriter Cost? A Detailed Guide


It is actually true, when we talk about that over 50% of the non-fiction books that make the bestseller lists were written by ghostwriters. In fact, it has been given figures ranging from 50% to 90%. These figures are for those in the book industry who should know. Moreover, a CAGR of 6.80% is projected for the global ghostwriting services market between 2023 to 2030 by Cognitive Market Research.

Professional writers known as "ghost writers" produce content on your behalf so you can focus on your core duties. But one of the most frequently asked questions is: How much does it cost to hire a ghostwriter?

The costs of hiring a ghostwriter can be difficult to estimate because rates vary greatly depending on the type of work, the writer's skill level, and the specifics of your project. Every form of ghostwriting has its own considerations and pricing systems, from writing books and press releases to web content and blogging.

This blog will examine the various factors that affect ghostwriting prices, look at specific rates for different types of ghostwriting, and offer advice on how to get the most out of your investment in a ghostwriter.

Continue reading to learn how much it costs to hire a ghostwriter and how to choose the best one for your needs.

When you're ready to hire a ghostwriter, let's dive in and see how much they charge.

Ghostwriter Fee: Varies Depending on the Type of Ghostwriter

A professional ghostwriter can charge anywhere from $6,500 to $42,000 for non-fiction publications and $3,500 to $16,000 for fiction novels, based on 2023 Reedsy data.

Advanced ghostwriters can demand substantial prices that reflect their experience, the complexity of the content, and the size of the project. These ghostwriters are usually people who have made a name for themselves in certain fields or have impressive portfolios.

If you are familiar with these criteria, you can hire a ghostwriter with more information. Here's a full breakdown of typical fees for different types of ghostwriting:

Ghostwriting for Fiction

Average cost: $20,000 - $40,000

Writing fiction ghostwriting requires a lot of imagination. Ghostwriters typically charge between $0.20 and $1.50 per word or page.An advance payment of $15,500 to $15,000 may be requested, depending on the book's length, complexity, and knowledge of the author.

The amount of drafts required, research and project development, creative formatting, and editing services are some other factors that can affect the price.Amount of drafts required: The charge increases with the number of drafts required.

Because it includes all the research and outlining, the first draft is always the most expensive. Although they will not cost much, more drafts will increase the total cost of the project. Research and planning: In order to authentically portray certain scenes or scenarios in your work of fiction, a ghostwriter may need to do a lot of research. They may also have to provide a complete outline for the entire book.

If so, these costs will add up quickly. New Formatting and Editing Services - Ghostwriters can help you with formatting, an essential component of any successful book. The complexity of the book affects how much the service will cost. Additionally, a professional editor may need to be hired, which increases the overall cost of the project.

Ghostwriting for Non-Fiction

Average cost: $30,000-$80,000

In fact, it is quite a sum!The cost of ghostwriting nonfiction may not be significantly different from ghostwriting fiction, but it also depends on the topic and complexity of the project.Nonfiction costs more because, unlike fiction, it requires a lot of research to be accurate.

Here, there is no room for error.Because of the specialized knowledge required, ghostwriters who specialize in nonfiction—that is, books about business, psychology, and personal development—often charge a bit more.For example, a non-fiction book with psychological insights will require a deep understanding of the subject from the past author, which will be reflected in their fee.

These writers may bill by the hour or require a $10,000–$20,000 down payment.Autobiography is a very different story.They demand great wisdom, thorough research and a specific writing style.

Moreover, autobiographies are usually longer than other types of nonfiction literature.The cost is high because most writers look for an experienced ghostwriter who can confidently handle sensitive material.These ghostwriters would be expected to deal with celebrities such as politicians and celebrities, so it would not be surprising to be paid upwards of $50,000 for their services.

Ghostwriter for Short Work

Average cost: $5,000-$10,000

Yes, small tasks like articles, blog posts, and essays can be assigned to ghostwriters.Because the research process is simple, these works often charge between $0.10 and $1 per word, which is less than books.The length, topic and deadline of an article or essay will determine its price.

Time commitment is the main difference between ghostwriting books and essays.On average, a novel can take months to write, while a blog post or article only takes a few days.But that doesn't mean smaller pieces demand a lower level of skill. Conversely, they may include strict standards and time frames that the writer must adhere to.

Ghostwriters for Academic and Business Writing

Average cost: $5,000-$15,000

Although this is a relatively young market for ghostwriters, scholarly writing does exist.Ghostwriters are hired to help students with difficult projects like essays, research papers, theses and dissertations.The cost depends on the complexity of the work; Ghostwriters don't bill by the word in this instance.

Rather, they typically charge an hourly rate or a fixed fee per project. It should be obvious why: A project can require more work than multiple blog entries.Within the ghostwriter industry, business writing is another growing field.Businesses use ghostwriters to prepare speeches, advertising materials and other documents to help them reach their target market.

Having someone write emails and other documents makes business correspondence much easier.Fees for business writing can range from $50 to $200 per hour, making it slightly more expensive than blog entries.Top executives and CEOs often use ghostwriters to help write books, newsletters, and press releases. In essence, ghostwriting for business is a longer-term gig than ghostwriting for books or nonfiction.

Here, the executive and ghostwriter collaborate closely to help flesh out the executive's ideas.

Ghost Writer for Content Marketing

Average cost: $1,000-$5,000

The key to creating content is to scale output without sacrificing quality.A skilled ghostwriter will help you with this by creating articles that will spark discussion among your target audience and increase website traffic.Businesses can run a very effective content marketing campaign by utilizing the skills and benefits of ghostwriters.Depending on the client's budget, content creation initiatives often cost anywhere from $0.10 to $1 per word.

In content marketing, the function of a ghostwriter varies by specialty.Content can appear in a variety of formats, including blog entries, white papers, business or training manuals, and copy for websites. Either way, the goal is to get viewers interested in unique information.

Writing landing pages and calls to action (CTAs) for various campaigns can also be part of the job description.This will involve being aware of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and knowing how to use keywords wisely in content.Since the ghostwriter must be an expert in the field, the charge is high in this case.

What is the Cost of Hiring a Ghostwriter?

Anyone considering hiring a ghostwriter should be aware of how ghostwriters set their rates. The charging method is one of the factors that can cause the cost of ghostwriting to vary dramatically. These are the most popular techniques:

Per Word:

The majority of fiction writers charge through the word. Typical prices fall between:

• The starting rate for a novice ghostwriter is between $0.01 and $0.05 per word.
• The average rate for ghostwriters with a strong portfolio is between $0.05 and $0.15 per word.
• Prices for highly skilled ghostwriters, often with top-selling credits, range from $0.15 to $0.25 per word.
• Advanced pay of $0.25 to $1 per word is aimed at ghostwriters with substantial writing experience in popular genres.
• A reasonable starting point might be between $0.04 and $0.05 per word. Once you establish a portfolio you can scale it up to $0.10/word, which is a standard in my opinion.
• After publishing dozens of books and maybe a few real-life success stories, you can increase that to $0.25 per word.

Per Hour:

Some ghostwriters bill by the hour, usually between $25 and $100. However, hourly rates are less common than word rates because it's harder for clients to determine whether you're using their time efficiently.

Editing already published content is a better use of busy hours than creating completely new content.

Per Project:

For non-fiction books and full manuscripts, the majority of reputable ghostwriter’s charge by the project.

Typical prices are:

Novels or short ebooks: $3–$10,000
Complete nonfiction books: $15–$40,000 for 50,000 words
• Large books (>75,000 words): $40–100,000+
Project costs only consider time spent, not writing time. Factors include research, interviews, project management, and revision.

How do Ghostwriters Set their Prices?

There are many aspects that affect the cost of a project.

• The type of job you hire a ghostwriter for will affect the price. Let's examine the difference between poorly researched social media posts and extensive thesis reports in terms of word count. We can all agree that the thesis will cost more in light of this.
• Another aspect that affects the cost is the experience of the ghostwriter. You can ask them to prove it using examples and references.
• Excessive research projects are usually more expensive because they take more time and energy than the past writer.
• For you, a job with a short deadline will cost extra. In order to finish the work on time, ghostwriters will need to devote more time than usual.
• For you, a job with a short deadline will cost extra. In order to finish the work on time, ghostwriters will need to devote more time than usual.

How will this Project be Financed?

Let's put the ghostwriting price debate aside and see if we can cover the costs. A few options for financing a significant ghostwriting project are provided below.

Advance Payment:

The Client makes a single, advance payment to the Ghostwriter for all or a significant portion of the work. The ghostwriter gets paid immediately after completing this simple process.

Payment in installments:

The total cost is divided into several installments, each of which is due at a different stage of the project, such as the completion of drafts, outlines or chapters. This can reduce risks and help in cash flow management for both parties.

Deferred Payment:

A ghostwriter may agree to accept payment only upon project completion and/or success, especially for clients with limited funds or projects with uncertain revenue prospects.

Ways to hire a ghostwriter for less

Agree on fees:

Everything is negotiable, even the cost of a ghostwriter. Finding a win-win scenario during negotiations is the most effective way to prevent a ghostwriter from underpaying. Make sure they are adequately compensated.

Consider new or emerging writers:

If you're tight on money, look for a ghostwriter who charges a reasonable price. How are they located? Ghostwriters looking for their next big break are a good place to start. Who knows, maybe a diamond in the rough will pop up.

Limit revisions:

If you need more than one revision, ghostwriters may charge you more. Minimize the number of changes you request from them in an effort to keep costs as low as possible.

Bundle many projects:

Whether or not you have many projects can influence this choice. If you really have a lot of work to do, you can hire a ghostwriter to handle it all. You can contract with a ghostwriter so that you can assign them more work in return.

Final thoughts on the cost of hiring a ghostwriter

The cost of hiring a ghostwriter can vary greatly based on a number of variables, including project size, genre, and experience. Experienced writers usually demand higher fees because of their experience and track record, even when new writers can offer cheaper rates. To guarantee a successful partnership, it's important to communicate honestly and have clear expectations of potential ghostwriters. Ultimately, hiring a professional ghostwriter will improve your writing ability and make it easier to achieve your goals.

If you're thinking about hiring a ghostwriter, do your homework and choose a candidate that fits your needs.